Reaper Vst Plugin Folder
VST Plugin Settings Auto Detect: Click this button to make REAPER scan your system to detect VST plug-ins. VST plug-in paths: Enter a path here, or click the Add button to browse to the directory that contains your VST plug-ins. Multiple directories may be added to this list. Separate each directory with a semicolon. Rescan directory. Sorry if this question seems extremely basic, but I can't seem to find the VST folder to put newly installed virtual instruments in. I am using Windows with Reaper as my DAW, and I have searched that it's suppose to be in a directory located in a folder called 'Steinberg'. Note: If Step 1.3 went smoothly and you Re-Scanned the VST folder Reaper should be able to find the new plugin If not, try re-scanning or perhaps try restarting Reaper. If that fails you will need to check that the directory to where you extracted the VST files is included in the VST plugin folders that Reaper looks in (as per the screenshot. To get Amplitube 4 working as a plug-in, the two files you need to copy into your host plug-ins folder are: 1. C: Program Files VstPlugIns AmpliTube 4.dll 2. C: Program Files Common Files AmpliTube 4.vst3 I can't swear to it, but I don't recall seeing the file referred to in 1. On my file system until after I removed v4.03 and replaced it v4.02. Metering vst plugin clipping.
Reaper Vst Plugin Folder Location
2. Vista protects the Program Files folder (unlike XP), it doesn't let programs or users create folders/files in that folder freely. If that happens anyway, data generated by you or the program after installation may end up in a mirrored folder structure in 'C:Users<username>AppDataLocalVirtualStorePr ogram Files' and Vista creates only a 'symbolic link' to that real file location for the application. How exactly this differs when you have UAC disabled (thus defeating one of the very few good features of Vista) eludes me, it lets you create files there then but I don't know about applications.
Reaper Vst Plug-ins Folder
A) Computer C DRIVE PROGRAM FILES VST PLUGINS b) Computer C DRIVE PROGRAM FILES (x86) VST PLUGINS 3) There is also confusion in the PROGRAM FILES (x86) as there is a STEINBERG folder where some of my plugins automatically file themselves under. This is confusing to me. REAPER Plugins is a bad place to install 3rd party plugins, this folder is for Reaper plugins and extensions. Search for plugins will fail if their installers create subfolders below that folder (so you have to enter all the paths in preferences) amongst other, minor problems. A good share of 'Reaper can't find my plugin' problems come from that.